Friday, April 23, 2010


Everyone has similar dreams, success, family, career advancement, etc. Everyone also has other beliefs that are particular to themselves. I have thought about my future countless times and I am happy to share some of my thoughts. My future consist of reliance, implying each goal relies on the previous one. In order for me to be accomplished, I need to make sure start my career off right. I plan on getting my MBA from Cornell. I have recently started studying for my gmat exam, but in order to be accepted I must complete a few years of work experience. The program Cornell offers is very demanding. As an mba student you are required to work on real like analytical problems with large firms. Most of my family and friends work for major firms so hopefully obtaining the experience I need to be accepted into Cornell will be a breeze. A second goal I would like to share is fitting into my fathers shoes. I have and always will look up to my father, no matter what type of disagreements we have. He has finished two universities and is currently a highly respected manager in a large firm. He came to America with nothing and was able to establish himself very comfortably in a short amount of time. In order for me to accomplish what he has, I must continue my education and complete my MBA as planned. My final goal may sound a little absurd to some, but I want to be able to help people. I am not talking about helping by traveling to a third world country and doing charity, I am discussing helping individuals on a macro scale, based on my profession. Expanding companies and creating jobs. I believe if an individual has a well paying job, it will be easier to piece together other life problems and in the end provide a better way of life. In order for me to accomplish this I need to always remain focused, never losing track of my objectives. Only recently have I started to think more about others rather then focusing on myself.

1 comment:

  1. I really respect the fact that you want to follow in your father's shoes even after acknowledging that you have had your share of differences. It's not easy to come here and start from scratch, which is what you say your father did. You seem to have a lot of determination so if you keep that going, I believe you can and will achieve your goal someday.
